Sai is owner and one of the coaches of Central Outback CrossFit. Sai has loved sport and fitness since her teenage years. Pursuing Tertiary studies after high school in Exercise Science and Injury Rehabilitation.
As a true believer in moving well and often Sai has enjoyed and trialled various methods of training, settling more on CrossFit when she first discovered it in 2013.
Sai believes anyone can have a go and indeed this is what makes crossfit such an adapatable program, in the words of crossfit founder Greg glassman, "The needs of the elderly and professional athletes vary by degree, not kind. Where one needs functional competency to maintain independence, the other needs functional mastery to maintain dominance." Since it's inception in early 2017 Central Outback Crossfit has helped 100's of members of all ages, fitness levels and abilities gain confidence and move well.
B Ex Science and Injury Rehab, Crossfit Lv 2, CrossFit Kids, Australian Weightlifting Lv 1 Coaching,
CrossFit Gymnastics 2019